Debates from other countries

Here are some school and university debates from other countries

England 2022  Schools Mace National Final 

England 2021 Schools Mace National Final

ESU Mace format and rules explained

NZ National Finals 2023 They use a format similar to World Schools with 3 debaters on each side

NZ National Semifinals  2021 They use a format similar to World Schools with 3 debaters on each side

Western Australian Debate League sample debate 1 They use a format similar to World Schools with 3 debaters on each side

Western Australian Debate League sample debate 2 They use a format similar to World Schools with 3 debaters on each side

Western Australian Debate League sample debate 3 They use a format similar to World Schools with 3 debaters on each side

Western Australian Debate League sample debate 4 They use a format very similar to World Schools with 3 debaters on each side

The US does some unusual types of debating which are unique to them. One is policy debate, which involves debating the same resolution for the entire year and presenting at an incredibly fast rate that is almost incomprehensible. Do not try and use this approach -- everyone outside of the US Policy and LD debate community finds it bizarre and a bad idea -- but you may find it interesting, if alarming. Here is the link to a video on the topic