Tests for cases
Tests refer to a way of examining a case by considering if it passes the key tests or criteria. These will depend on whether it is a value or policy debate. Tests can also be used to examine the support for an argument
For a policy debate, the tests would be in these areas. This is a good starting point for deciding on burdens.
1. Problem
Is there a problem or need to improve things? Is that the real problem?
2. Model Issues
Will the model/plan work: is it practical and will it solve the problem?
3. Is it worth it
Is it worth the cost, including side-effects and unintended effects (short and long term)?
Is the model/plan morally acceptable, is the principle/precedent acceptable?
4. Alternatives
Is there a better way of dealing with the problem/achieving the goal?
For a values debate, Standards would be the main test. This is a good starting point for deciding on burdens. Approaches based on standards could include:
1. What is the standard we should use for deciding? Why? This could include principles.
2. Why is your standard better if your opponents have a different one? This could include what are the consequences of each standard.
3. How can we tell if the point under debate meets that standard?
Practice resolutions:
1. Policy
We should have a national day care system
We should have a carbon tax
We should ban Uber
This House would abolish the veto in the security council
This House would ban private ownership of handguns
This House would abolish university tuition
This House believes that Western liberal democracies should not give financial or military support to nondemocratic regimes in the Middle East
Women's sports should receive the same funding as men's sports
We should get rid of the ICC (International Criminal Court)
Museums should return major cultural treasures to their countries of origin
2. Values
We regret legalizing marijuana
Donald Trump was bad for America
Donald Trump was good for America
Uber is bad for society
There should be more emphasis on Arts education
Athletes are paid too much
We should allow performance enhancing drugs in professional sports
This House regrets Facebook
There should be more emphasis on competition in school
This House condemns political correctness
Countries should not apologize for historical injustices
We regret the Me Too movement
We would rather be popular than right
It is better to live on your feet than die on your knees
We should not interfere in other people’s wars
This House would not have dropped the bomb on Hiroshima