Tests for cases

Tests refer to a way of examining a case by considering if it passes the key tests or criteria. These will depend on whether it is a value or policy debate. Tests can also be used to examine the support for an argument

For a policy debate, the tests would be in these areas. This is a good starting point for deciding on burdens.

1. Problem

Is there a problem or need to improve things? Is that the real problem?

2. Model Issues

Will the model/plan work: is it practical and will it solve the problem?

3. Is it worth it

Is it worth the cost, including side-effects and unintended effects (short and long term)?

Is the model/plan morally acceptable, is the principle/precedent acceptable?

4. Alternatives

Is there a better way of dealing with the problem/achieving the goal?

For a values debate, Standards would be the main test. This is a good starting point for deciding on burdens. Approaches based on standards could include:

1. What is the standard we should use for deciding? Why? This could include principles.

2. Why is your standard better if your opponents have a different one? This could include what are the consequences of each standard.

3. How can we tell if the point under debate meets that standard?

Practice resolutions:

1. Policy

2. Values