International Topics

This House would restrict trade with China

2.    This House would allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

3.    This House would support an Israeli strike on Iran

4.    Israel should agree to an Independent Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza within a year.

5.    This House supports continuing the current US policy on drone attacks on terrorists in other countries

6.    The UK should rejoin the European Union

7.    This House would significantly decrease US military spending

8.    This House would provide aid to the Taliban government of Afghanistan even if they do not moderate their policies towards their own populations (women’s rights, minorities, freedom of expression)

9.    This House would change the UN Security Council

10. The International Criminal Court should be abolished

11.  Overall the rise of China has had a positive impact internationally

12. This House believes Taiwan has a right to become an independent country

13. Developed countries should not accept skilled migrants from developing countries

14. This House believes that the 21st century will belong to China

15. This House would support the UN having its own military force

16. This House, as Vladamir Putin, would withdraw from Ukraine

17. Canada should give foreign aid only to democracies

18. This House would use military force to extradite those indicted for war crimes

19. This House would assassinate Vladimir Putin

20. This House would assassinate dictators

21. This House would offer amnesty to dictators who step down voluntarily

22. This House would invade country X (X to be defined in the 1st speech)

23. THBT the West should provide financial and/or military support to opposition groups in any oppressive regime

24. This House would ban private military firms

25. This house believes that the developing world should not be held at the same environmental standards as the developed world

26. This House supports military intervention to enforce human rights

27. Mexico should legalize drugs

28. This House would invade Venezuela

29. The US should end its sanctions against Cuba

30. This House would abolish the veto in the security council

31. This house would require nations to look after an equivalent percentage of refugees as their share of global GDP

32. This house believes that upholding the rights of refugees constitutes an unrealistic burden on the state.

33. This House would require NATO members to spend at least 2% of their GDP on military spending