Canadian Debate & Speech Organizations

Here are links to the various provincial and national Debate and Speech organizations .

Provincial Associations (thanks to the CSDF for this information)

Nova Scotia Debating Society

Debate New Brunswick

Quebec Student Debate Association

Ontario Student Debating Union

Manitoba Speech and Debate Association

Saskatchewan Elocution and Debate Association

Alberta Speech and Debate Association

Debate and Speech Association of British Columbia

There are some schools active in Debating in Yukon, Newfoundland and Labrador, PEI, and NWT, but these organizations currently do not have websites set up.

National Organizations

Canadian Student Debating Federation (CSDF)

National Debating Championships

Speech and Debate Canada

International Independent Schools Public Speaking League (IISPSL) This organization does have non-Canadian Schools take part,  but is included here because the majority of their membership is Canadian.