When constructing your case, or looking for weaknesses in opposing arguments, GPS can be a useful guide.

GPS stands for

G refers to the Goal, i.e. what goal is this resolution going to achieve. On the opposition side, you may want to consider the bigger or more important goal

P refers to the Principle, i.e. what principle is at stake or supports/opposes the resolution

S refers to standards, i.e. what standards or criteria would you use to decide if something is true or desirable

For each of the following, use GPS to think of arguments or to frame the debate for the govt and the opp. You may need to specify a definition.

1.    Marijuana should be legalized

2.    Three time violent offenders should have life sentences

3.    Young offenders should be tried as adults

4.    Canada should spend more on the military

5.    Athletes are paid too much

6.    Indigenous people should be punished by their own communities

7.   We should give foreign aid only to democratic countries

8.    Cell phones should be banned in schools

9.    We should end affirmative action programs

10. Women's sports at university should receive the same funding as males sports

11. We should ban models under a certain weight

12. This house regrets the rise of social media

13. This House would increase taxes on inheritance

14. This House would allow hate speech

15. This House supports a 35 hour working week

16. This house would use taxation to regulate behavior

17. School teams should be open to both genders

18. We should impose a youth curfew

19. We should ban boxing

20. Racist publications should be banned

21. Mothers under 17 should not be allowed to keep their children