Standards Resolutions
We are too cautious
We should try harder
We are too merciful
This House is too tolerant
Canadians have too many rights
We are too worried about the worst case
There is too much money in politics
We are too concerned about the environment
We should make parents more responsible for the actions of their children
Judges should be elected
We should reduce copyright
Revenge is sweet
We should stand up to Russia
This House prefers brawn to brain
We have failed
Don’t worry, be happy
We should accept inequality
Formal education is overrated
America is the most dangerous nation on earth
This house prefers evolution to revolution
This House regrets the Arab Spring
This House prefers the Law of the Jungle
Where you stand depends primarily on where you sit
We would rather be beautiful than intelligent
We should mind our own business
We should not interfere in other people’s wars
The older, the better
Cowards win
It is better to be popular than right
We prefer good character to good results