Some standard cases 

Standard Issues in Debates (democracy argument can be used for whichever side it supports)


1-    Banning Cases (e.g. Banning gambling)

a.     In favour: Harm reduction, statement of principle/send message, effect on the young, if addictive not free choice, will make it harder to get, duty to protect

b.     Against: Nanny state – requires losing freedom and ignoring someone’s decision, govt judgment replaces yours, not suit everyone, won’t work because ones that need help will ignore rules, hurt many for sake of few, better approaches/heart of problem

2-    Legalizing Cases (e.g. Legailzing drugs)

a.     In Favour: Practical, reduce black market/crime, safety, freedom of choice (if no one else harmed), harm reduction

b.     Against: Will encourage the actrivity, Send wrong message, if addictive not free choice, will make it easier to get which is bad, duty to protect

3-    Subsidizing/providing things (e.g. Free University tuition)

a.     In Favour: Need, benefit to individual, benefit to society, should wealth be key

b.     Against: Cost and other demands for money, Opportunity cost, inefficient/waste, better ways of dealing with it, precedent

4-    Age based Limit

a.     In Favour: Practical, safety, maturity/age decline, general good (use argument by acceptance)

b.     Against: Unfair to generalize, better approaches, dangerous principle

5-    Spending more on …

a.     In Favour: Need, benefit to individual, benefit to society, long term, economic stimulus

b.     Against: Cost and other demands for money, Opportunity cost, better ways of dealing with problem, real problem, precedent

6-    Use of force (internationally)

a.     In Favour: Need, Argument by alternative, deter, Moral imperative to try, can succeed if done well, 

b.     Against: Harm to innocents, Harm to soldiers, insufficient resources, resentment/support for the other side, guerilla war, unending

7-    Sanctions and boycotts

a.     In Favour: Need, Argument by alternative, deter, Moral imperative to try, can succeed if done well, 

b.     Against: Harm to innocents, doesn’t hurt real villains, resentment/support for the other side, Better alternatives

8-    Affirmative Action/Preference

a.     In Favour: Need, Role-model, deal with bias, break cycle of stereotyping/poverty/opportunity, critical mass

b.     Against: Still discrimination, better solutions, fairness to individual, backlash, unexpected effects