CP Resolutions

It is better for a nation to be feared than than loved

This house would make the protection of the environment a defence in the sentencing of eco-terrorists

This house believes that stay at home parents or carers should be paid a working wage

This House believes that that politicians breaking election promises should trigger a by-election

This House would create a Universal Basic Income

This House would not take into account the objections of local residents when building nationally beneficial public works (e.g. Wind farms, Drug Rehabilitation Centres, pipelines)

This House would ban all advertising of age-restricted products e.g. alcohol, gambling,

THB that the police should never be able to obtain the identities of journalistic sources through surveillance of journalists

This House would protect speech even if it incited hatred

THW require all universities to reserve a proportion of places for students from traditionally disadvantaged groups

THW ban all individuals who have advocated or used violence in order to further a political cause from standing for election

This House would allow relatives of drug addicts and alcoholics to forcibly commit them to rehabilitation programs without their consent

This House would require the Canadian government to call a referendum on all overseas uses of Canadian military 

This House would aggressively censor all music that advocates aerogatory attitudes towards women

This House would make post-mortem organ donation compulsory without without exception

This house believes there should be equal media coverage of men's and women's sports

This house would criminalize holocaust denial

This House would require all serious crimes to be have jury trials

This House would place sanctions on countries that criminalize homosexuality

TH prefers high oil prices to lower oil prices

THBT employers and universities should be prohibited from accessing a candidate’s personal social media accounts

THBT the West should join Iran and Russia in resolving the conflict in Syria

The United States Federal Government ought to pay reparations to African Americans

Students should be guaranteed two years of free tuition to a community or technical college

Jury nullification ought to be used in the face of perceived injustice.

Adolescents ought to have the right to make autonomous medical choices

Campaigns that support candidates for public office ought to be financed exclusively by public funds

In a democracy

Voting ought to be compulsory

A government has the obligation to significantly lessen the economic gap between its rich and poor citizens

The abuse of illegal drugs ought to be treated as a matter of public health, not of criminal justice.

States ought not possess nuclear weapons

Military conscription is unjust.

The United States ought to submit to the jurisdiction of an international court

It is morally permissible to kill one innocent person to save the lives of more innocent people

That secondary education should value the fine arts over athletics

a nation's citizens' rights ought to take precedence over its security

colleges and universities have a moral obligation to prohibit the public expression of hate speech on their campuses.

This House would pay students for marks

This House would remove all legal barriers to the genetic enhancement of humans 

This House believes that Machiavelli is the way to go 

This House believes that the government that governs least, governs best

This house has an unhealthy obsession with sport

This house would censor hate