Political Topics

1.     This House support proportional representation

2.     The Canadian Senate should be elected

3.     There should be a free national daycare system

4.     This House support two-tiered medical system

5.     Developed nations should not allow the immigration of well educated people who are needed in their home countries.

6.     This House would remove all limitations on political donations

7.     Election campaigns should be fully financed by the state

8.     Political parties should not be allowed to take private donations

9.     This House would abolish mandatory criminal sentences

10.  This House would raise taxes on the wealthy

11.  This House would impose a carbon tax

12.  This House would adopt cap and trade on carbon emissions

13.  This House would allow early parole for criminals who donate organs

14.  This House would eliminate trial by jury

15.  Canada should abolish giving immigration preference to family members

16.  This House would invade country "x"

17.  This House supports term limits for elected officials

18.  This House supports child labor in developing countries

19.  This House would destroy Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, by force if necessary

20.  This House supports assassination of researchers to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons

21.  This House would expand nuclear power generation

22.  This House supports stronger assimilation policies for immigrants

23.  This House would return cultural treasures to their country of origin

24.  This House supports the use of referenda

25.  This House would compensate groups for past injustices

26.  This House believes that Canadians should directly elect the PM

27.  This House believes that developing countries do not have an obligation to fight climate change.

28. This House would abolish permanent membership of the UN security council

29.  This House would abolish the veto at the UN

30.  This House would recognize Palestine as an independent state

31.  This House would abolish the International Criminal Court

32.  The US should ban Super Pacs

33.  This house believes that newly democratized nations should not allow religious parties to participate in elections

34. This House would not grant citizenship at birth to the children of foreigners born on domestic soil

35.  This House supports a national pharmacare system in Canada